Many customers often don’t realize that if you’ve been in an accident, you DO NOT have to go to an insurance company’s shop. It’s your car, so you have a car repaired at the repair shop of your choice. Color Worx Collision will tow your vehicle to our shop so you can have repairs done as soon as possible. Even if the insurance company demanded that your car towed to another shop automatically after an accident, Color Worx Collision will go to that shop and tow your vehicle for you.
Thanks to our partnership with Mark’s Towing, we are able to tow vehicles to our shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to call Mark’s Towing, they can be reached at (610) 496-9076.
Are you looking to get in contact with Color Worx Collision? Located in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, the team at Color Worx is always eager to hear from customers. Color Worx Collision operating hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Saturday work can also be done by appointment.
Color Worx Collision is located at 137-B Wallace Avenue, Downingtown, Pennsylvania, 19335. You can call Color Worx Collision during business hours at (610) 283-0309.
You can also send a fax over at (484) 288-8584.
Alternatively, you can e-mail Color Worx Collision at
Color Worx Collision will answer all customer inquiries in the future and look forward to hearing from you in the future.